8-9 Septembrie 2017

After the last year’s success, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2017 Bucharest PancreaticFest, which will take place at the Crowne
Plaza Hotel in Bucharest, from the 8th to the 9th September.
The format of this event hasn’t changed: we’ll spend together two days – one dedicated to the EUS Workshop in pancreatic diseases, and the other to the Pancreatic Diseases Course.
The EUS Workshop day will be devoted to live case presentations transmitted from the „Dr. Carol Davila” Military Hospital in Bucharest, spaced out by state-of-the-art lectures on hot topics. We will strictly follow the guidelines of the ESGE in order to fulfill a maximal educational benefit for the audience and, at the same time, maximize our patients’ best interest.
Our 2017 guest faculty consists of international renowned endoscopists and pancreatologists, most of whom are already friends of ours and almost permanent guests: Peter Vilmann from Copenhagen, Denmark, Erwin Santo from Tel Aviv, Israel, and Radu Tutuian from Berne, Switzerland.
At the same time, endo-live facilitates close educational interactions between experts/faculty and attendants – so, please, take this opportunity to ask and share opinions and experience. Real time video transmissions from the Endoscopy unit of the Emergency Military Hospital are broadcast in the Conference Center at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and will allow us two-way communication between the registrants and faculty members. The talks scheduled between endo-live demonstrations will focus on practical issues.
The theme of the second day – the day devoted to Pancreatic
Diseases Course – is „Harmonizing Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Diseases in Romania”. It is devoted to recent advanced in the standardization of diagnosis and management of common pancreatic diseases: pancreatic cancer, acute and chronic pancreatitis. The invited speakers for the course are: Mathias Lohr from Stockholm, Sweden, leader of Pancreas 2000 Course
8, 2016-2018, and coordinator of the Working Group for HaPanEu and Peter Hegyi from Szeged, Hungary, secretary of the European Pancreatic Club. Mathias Lohr will present to us the meaning of Pancreas 2000, as Romania will organize Pancreas 2000 in Bucharest in October 2018. He will also give us an overview of the process of HaPanEu, which was just published in 2017 in the UEG Journal.
Local pancreatology faculty members will discuss the burning topic of chronic pancreatitis in 2017 in a dedicated session. In the 2017 programme, you can also find a special section devoted to Hungarian-Romanian collaborative projects coordinated by our friend Peter Hegyi. At the end of the Romanian-Hungarian session, in a separate room, we will organize a meeting for discussing in detail future perspectives for a collaborative alliance and „Clinical trials and Registries”.
The entire local faculty looks forward to welcoming you all again in Bucharest in September 2017. We will do our utmost to make your visit an educational one and also make sure that you will take home some new evidence-based knowledge, tips and tricks in pancreatology.
Yours sincerely,
Cristian Gheorghe
Scientific Coordinator of the Program
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